
News Release: Wil Mar Neighborhood Center Receives Design for a Difference Makeover


Contact:  Angela Skalitzky, FLOOR360

608-204-7538   askaltizky@floor360.com  



FLOOR360 brings together interior designers and local businesses to provide a free makeover for local non-profit


MADISON, WI (April 30, 2019) – FLOOR360, provider of high-fashion flooring and designs announced that Wil Mar Neighborhood Center in Madison, WI will receive the 2019 Design for a Difference – Madison Makeover free of charge. An all-volunteer group of interior designers will work with a group of local businesses, suppliers, installers, painters, and other volunteers to plan and provide a much-needed interior design makeover for Wil Mar Neighborhood Center, 953 Jenifer Street Madison, WI.

“We selected Wil Mar Neighborhood Center to receive a makeover because it was clear that design will have a real impact on the facility and the people served by it,” said Bob Tobe, CEO of FLOOR360, “With the generous participation of the Madison area design community and businesses, I’m confident we will deliver a result that will provide benefits that Wil Mar will enjoy for years to come.”

There are four phases in the 2019 Design for a Difference / Wil Mar Neighborhood Center makeover process:

  • Planning – April and May
  • Designing – June and July
  • Procuring Elements – July through September
  • Installation – October

A variety of sponsors and volunteers have donated time, money and materials to make the Design for a Difference Madison makeover happen each year since 2015. FLOOR360 coordinates the services of local interior designers and business partners to help a local non-profit make over their space so they can focus on their programs, services and mission. The numbers generated by these makeovers are impressive.   To date, cumulatively, there have been over 500 Madison volunteers and businesses involved, 1.2 million dollars in labor and materials donated, and over 25,000 individuals impacted.

FLOOR360 collected nominations for the 2019 Design for a Difference Makeover from December 2018 through February 2019. The selection committee consisted of Bob Tobe FLOOR360 CEO, Angela Skalitzky FLOOR360 Vice President Retail Sales/Design, Shawn Rewald NBC15 Local Sales Manager, Jennifer Rosen-Heinz Freelance  writer, Nina Gehan Centro Hispano Development Director and 2017 Design for a Difference recipient, Sharyl Cato The Rainbow Project Executive Director and 2016 Design for a Difference Makeover recipient, De’Kendrea Stamps East Madison Community Center Development Director and 2018 Design for a Difference Makeover recipient and Dena Frisch BRAVA Magazine Sales Manager. Wil Mar Neighborhood Center representatives were notified privately in mid-March, and the selection announcement was made to the public at the Spring into Design event at FLOOR360 on April 3, 2019. 

About FLOOR360

FLOOR360 uses design to make a difference in your home and in our community. The design and installation professionals at FLOOR360 utilize comprehensive processes that ensure a high level of satisfaction at every stage of the buying process. FLOOR360 sponsors the only design driven movement in Madison that brings interior designers and local businesses together to makeover much needed spaces at local charities, Design for a  Difference-Madison. For more information, visit floor360.com

About Wil Mar Neighborhood Center

(from their website) For more than 50 years, Wil-Mar was home to Pilgrim Church, providing critical support and resources to the surrounding community. In 1968, the congregation donated their building to the neighborhood so that it could become the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center. The Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center provides a foundation for our ever-widening community: a place for all people to learn, grow and celebrate. Visit wil-mar.org for more information.



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